Observations from this side of the monitor

Monday, October 26, 2009

Bad Bad Bad Blogger

Its been months since my last blog entry - and I am ashamed.
I read other peoples' blogs and am more than a wee bit impressed by their way with words, the ability to turn everyday events into stories that make me laugh, smile, cry (a bit) and so on.
As nobody ever reads this, I think I'm safe in not updating regularly, but, will try to be a more diligent blogger.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

New Critter

Poodles are my passion - and all that hair is so much fun to scissor and brush and and and....

This is my version of a very stylized show puppy trim.

And, to put it in perspective: my hand holding her. She is 4" from her feet to the top of her topknot, btw.