Observations from this side of the monitor

Thursday, January 03, 2008


I do web design in my spare time, when the mood strikes. It has not struck for a while now, and that is probably a good thing, as the creative muse seems to be on vacation.
I understand when people want updates or changes, they want them now. If I can't do that -then get someone else. This is a good thing. What is not a good thing is when you take MY creation, which was beautiful, and change it to something ugly - and use MY CODING.
If I did that to your pictures, you'd scream copyright infringement.
Me, I'm supposed to sit back and say oh well.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008


Another year has come and gone. I've shown some really nice dogs, had some great (and not so great) dinners and visited with a lot of good friends. My bank balance is better than it was this time last year - which is an accomplisment I guess.

Right now - I am not liking little boy dogs. Especially little boy dogs who are enamoured of little girl dogs that they can't get near. Needless to say, both little boy dogs are wearing the canine equivlent of Depends. Ick.

My friend sent a great quote:
Here's a good Chinese Proverb for you

"He who knows, does not speak"
"He who speaks, does not know!"

I can think of many this applies to. The evil two faced sow that is happily telling people I'm sister to Satan is one of them, and I can't be bothered to confront her and tell her that I know what she says about me, and who she says it to. Ah well, my friends know me best - and those who beleive her, well, I'm not sure I want to be friends with them anyway.
