Observations from this side of the monitor

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Weirder and Weirder

When I was a kid, stuff like dancing (ballroom, tap, ballet) was not something to be enjoyed or even tolerated.
As I got older, I developed a secret fascination for ballroom - maybe it was the dresses??
However, never in my wildest dreams did I think I'd ever devote an evening to watching Dancing with the Stars.
Now that I'm adjusted to that, I am pretty much dumbfounded that Def Lepard is performing on DWTS!!!!

Monday, April 21, 2008


Ok - some days my imagination goes wild, some days it goes totally overboard. Other days, it just grabs for what is most logical.
I stayed in a hotel a week ago - and woke up one morning with what I thought were bites. Bed bugs. Had to be - what other explanation could there be?
Thank goodness I did not cancel my future reservations, as I apparently have Shingles, according to my dear DR.
They HURT!

Friday, April 18, 2008


April 18th be be exact. I just crawled out of a hot bath, and for some reason looked outside.
The yard is white, the garage roof - white, my van - white (well, the paint is white but if it wasn't, it would be white).
Poodles refusing to go outside, its cold!
Some one explain seasons to the weather people - spring - rain, green, budding, flowers, pollen
NOT snow, white, ice, slippery.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

ache, moan

So, I've figured out the flu. Flu is a coward. It sneaks up on you in the middle of the night, beats you to a pulp and then leaves.
When men are sick, the entire world must stop - absolute quiet, no phone calls, nothing.
Women get sick and are expected to just continue on, and if we stay in bed cos we are sick, the questions, the noise - not only continues on unabated, but, increases if anything.