Observations from this side of the monitor

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

First One!

Well, I've done it. I've finally created my own blog - maybe this way I can work out some of my frustrations and annoyances.
Who am I? I show dogs. I show dogs for other people, and get paid reasonably well to do so. Professional handlers (which is what I am), are alternately despised and deified by the show-dog owning public. Handlers are credited with being able to influence others by merely being at a show, and are accused of being in league with the devil most days.

Me? I just like to show my little dogs, get paid and go home. Period. I am supportive of my friends, and my clients - and once I leave the show, really could care less about who said what to who.

Its not a terribly nice day outside, and I think it impacts on my mood!